The Siege of Mount Bloodhorn (teehee)

After three successful months of rampaging across the Badlands in our year-long Warhammer: The Old World Campaign, we find ourselves at a checkpoint, in the form of the first of four immense campaign weekends, The Siege of Mount Bloodhorn (I will never stop sniggering at “mount bloodhorn”). If you’re not a part of this immense Old World adventure, our commiserations, as there will be no tables free on the weekend of the 29th/30th… If you’re one of the lucky 16 people that paid and committed to this mammoth campaign, you’re cordially invited to the fun times we’ve got coming!

Saturday the 29th – Stonemire Tower and Bitterstone Mine games. If you’re available on the Saturday, you’ll be driven underground to attempt to undermine mighty gates of Ekrund (and where possible, Brett’s authority) or overland to rush to provide reinforcements via the Stonemire Watchtowers. There’ll be bedlam afoot, with squigs and trolls ruining your day in the mines, or relief forces intercepting and countering your chances of bringing your ideal force to day 2. Speaking of which….

Sunday the 30th – The Gates of Ekrund. Let’s pull out a Warhammer Fortress from 30 years ago and play one of Steve’s favourite things… a mega battle! Now, we won’t be attempting to write siege rules for Old World (we’re not smart men), but we can definitely fudge some linear obstacle rules, shout “Good guys turn 1” and encourage you to betray each other for relics, items and general infamy… It’ll be carnage and we apologise in advance.

We’ll post up some pictures, results and other such things when the dust has settled, but until then… Cuddles x


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