Posts by Brett Low

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Dark Elf army.

Hobby Focus – Robin’s Dark Elves

It’s time again for another hobby blog, and once more, we go customer edition with Robin’s Dark Elves.(Thank you all, Steve only has so many[…]

Death Guard army

Hobby Focus – Josh’s 30k Death Guard

“I owe it all to AK Streaking Grime.” Says Josh for this weeks customer edition of Thursday Hobby Focus. Let’s take a look at his[…]

Steve's Darkoath Horde

Hobby Focus: Steve’s Darkoath Horde

Now, it can be said that Steve is oft-described as a square based fantasy player, but he does periodically venture into the realm of round[…]

Lost and the Damned Army

Hobby Focus – Hugo’s Lost and the Damned

After a small break, post-Fest, we’re back with another edition of Thirsday Hobby Focus, Customer Edition, featuring Hugo’s kitbashed Lost and Damned traitor guard! “The[…]

goblin in treasure chest

Upcoming Events & General November Silliness

The dust of Phoenix Fest has settled now, and Steve is back off holiday, so let’s take a look at what the calendar has in[…]

Painting competition entries.

The Golden Phoenix Painting Competiton Review

The review and breakdown that was promised…. That was a crazy competition! Again, we’d just like to start off by thanking everyone that participated, if[…]

Golden Phoenix Painting Competition

Phoenix Fest Round-up & Highlights

Well that was a weekend… Before we begin, we’d like to offer the biggest of thanks to you boys and girls that volunteered, helped and[…]

Catachan Army

Hobby Focus – Steve’s Catachan 40k Army

A change in our usually scheduled programming brings us a hobby focus entry created by one of our extremely talented customers, Mike, and featuring our[…]

Warmaster Revolutions DoW army

Hobby Focus – Steve’s Warmaster Revolution Dogs of War Army

The last few editions of Thursday Hobby Focus have been expetionally large, so this week, let’s go extra small, with Steve’s 3D printed Dogs of[…]


Phoenix Fest Update: Demo Games & Painting Competition

As we draw ever closer to the big weekend, we have a few updates regarding the specifics of the demo games on offer, as well[…]