In the elder days of the hobby, before the 6th Edition Warhammer Fantasy split into “wet” and “dry” versions, there was only Warhammer Armies: Undead.

By the early 2000’s, GW had divided the Undead into the Tomb Kings and Vampire Counts, but Steve has painted an army that harkens back to the 90’s, featuring Screaming Skull Catapults and Chariots alongside Vampires and Zombies!

Special Characters were a huge part of 4th and 5th edition Warhammer, with such fan favourites as Dieter Helsnicht, Arkhan the Black and everyone’s favourite original 2nd Edition Campaign best friends; Kemmler and Krell!

The army really is designed to be a celebration of the last 40 years of Warhammer Undead, and nowhere is it more apparent than the Citadel Horrors and original LOTR miniatures found in the Spirit Hosts/Tomb Swarms. The Red Duke also rides out with this army, as it was designed to play the 5th Edition Campaign: The Circle of Blood.

Fell Bats, Chariots and Dire Wolves are some of the swifter units in the notoriously slow Undead army.

The old metal Armoured Skeleton Warriors are great miniatures to count as Wights or Tomb Guard, depending on what modern version of the army we choose to represent.

And finallly, no Oldhammer Undead army is complete without the dreaded Nightmare Legion, one of the original mercenary regiments of renown from the 80’s… Eagle eyed viewers will also spot some truly awesome metal Zombies from a similar time period, as well as a bunch of the newest Zombies GW has to offer. We also have a converted Forge World BSB with a hand painted banner, as was appropriate at the time, regardless of skill level! Hope you enjoy!
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