Hobby Focus – Steve’s Speed-painted Chaos Dwarfs

Steve is a far cry from the best miniature painter on Earth, but he has spent the last 35 years or so developing his skills in a different way. In short, he wants to get his armies finished, in short order! So when an opportunity presented itself to get a game in, Steve chose an army of his that was glued and sprayed, but didn’t have much in the way of actual paint on them, and proceeded to paint something in the region of 3000pts in 4 days, and play a game with them!

In truth, he only collected them for his ridiculous Warhammer Quest ’95 project. He’s been furiously painting 3d dungeon tiles to lovingly recreate the greatest boardgame ever presented to humanity, and finally get a party to level 10 after 30 years of playing, but how can one do that without the perpetual fear of big hatted chorfs with Blunderbusses party wiping months of play? However, when Warhammer The Old World gave them an army list, it would’ve been rude not to do at least 3000pts to celebrate this!

And so, he picked up his brush on a Sunday off, and by the following Friday morning, give or take, they were done! Thanks, contrast paint! There truly is no upper limit to the size of hat you can paint if you don’t care how they turn out! As always, the minis are an eclectic blend of new and old GW, 3d printed, Forge World and third party companies, such as Old School Miniatures beautiful(?) interpretation of the infamous GW Ass Cannon!

Art, it ain’t, and unit fillers were abundant… but Steve has come to appreciate the beauty of a fully painted army on the tabletop, and has even begun using the organisation of games as a way to tap into his various obsessive complusions, and galvanise himself to get even more armies done this year than ever before!

When it came to game time, he did have to add a unit of wolf riders from his Orcs and Goblins that he painted last year for a Tale of Four Gamers (6th Edition), but that’s a whole other Thursday Hobby Focus post. Otherwise, the Old World army was knocked up and ready to go, just a week after having the idea! He did lose the game though…


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