Posts about Stourbridge

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Legions Imperialis Imperial Fists Army.

Hobby Focus – Brett’s Imperial Fists

Imperial Fists: 92nd Provisional Crusade Force Overview Origins and Purpose The 92nd Provisional Crusade Force was hastily assembled from veteran Imperial Fists, seasoned Terran recruits,[…]

Coffee cup

Ko-fi: The Ends Justify the Beans

We’re gonna talk this week about the tall order (I won’t apologise for this, or any of the following coffee puns) that will be Phoenix[…]

AoS Cover art

Let’s play Age of Sigmar

As the title suggests, we here at Phoenix Games have considered the possibilty that this whole Age of Sigmar thing may have some (distinctly ratty)[…]

Warhammer the Old World Cover

Doubles Tournament Action in the Old World

We’re just weeks away (20th/21st of July, in fact) from our first foray into glorious competition in the Old World! Our narrative campaign has been[…]

Star Wars Unlimited cover art

Baby’s First Star Wars Unlimited Prerelease

As the title suggests, we’re gonna try giving this whole “organised play” thing a crack for the insanely popular Star Wars Unlimited Card Game. On[…]

Warhammer the old world cover art.

The Siege of Mount Bloodhorn (teehee)

After three successful months of rampaging across the Badlands in our year-long Warhammer: The Old World Campaign, we find ourselves at a checkpoint, in the[…]