Phoenix Fest Round-up & Highlights

Well that was a weekend… Before we begin, we’d like to offer the biggest of thanks to you boys and girls that volunteered, helped and attended to make Phoenix Fest 24 absolutely awesome! There’ll be a more detailed roundup of the painting competition later this week for our Thursday Hobby Focus, so for now, here’s a broad rundown of the festivities!

We invited you to roll up, roll up and unhorse the Black Knight in TT Combat’s new “Half Tilt” Game! Successful participants would be rewarded with a golden Fleur Du Pye token, created by the combined genius of Rob and Andy, our very own Meshmixing, 3D printing Celebrimbor and Annatar! As well as the beautiful Kate’s spectacularly delicious, and considerably more real-world sausage rolls for all!

Our Fest Volunteers were incredibly busy this weekend, with Demo Games of AoS Spearhead, the new edition of Bolt Action and Fallout Tactics forming just some of the popular Fest action! Huge thanks to Chris, Zach and the Rob’s!

Brett’s game kept getting described as “rad?” I didn’t get it….

Zach literally Spearheading his campaign to get everyone in the shop to play Age of Sigmar…

We’re just happy Chris spent the weekend playing Bolt Action NOT in “uniform”… hehe.

Brett, and one of our eventual winners Matt, casting their critical eyes over the formidable competition.

The painting Competition was basically impossible to judge… Steve was heard muttering how spectacularly unqualified to judge a field of painters all better than him he was, but here we are. This deserves (and will get) a fuller roundup in a few days, but for now, we’ve popped the winners here with some pics. Remember, the competition was absolutely free, but if you feel we deserved it, you can support us by donating whatever you think is best via our Kofi here

Fantasy, 40k, Battletech, Infinity, Warmachine and Bolt Action are just some of the systems represented in our comp, we were so proud of you all!

It was truly a magical weekend, we genuinely can’t thank y’all eough for supporting us, and we’ll get a date in place for the even bigger, even better Phoenix Fest ’25, as well as a couple of new in store services very very soon! Thank you again, it was truly great….


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