Posts about Stourbridge

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Dark Elf army.

Hobby Focus – Robin’s Dark Elves

It’s time again for another hobby blog, and once more, we go customer edition with Robin’s Dark Elves.(Thank you all, Steve only has so many[…]

Death Guard army

Hobby Focus – Josh’s 30k Death Guard

“I owe it all to AK Streaking Grime.” Says Josh for this weeks customer edition of Thursday Hobby Focus. Let’s take a look at his[…]

Lost and the Damned Army

Hobby Focus – Hugo’s Lost and the Damned

After a small break, post-Fest, we’re back with another edition of Thirsday Hobby Focus, Customer Edition, featuring Hugo’s kitbashed Lost and Damned traitor guard! “The[…]

goblin in treasure chest

Upcoming Events & General November Silliness

The dust of Phoenix Fest has settled now, and Steve is back off holiday, so let’s take a look at what the calendar has in[…]

Catachan Army

Hobby Focus – Steve’s Catachan 40k Army

A change in our usually scheduled programming brings us a hobby focus entry created by one of our extremely talented customers, Mike, and featuring our[…]


Phoenix Fest Update: Demo Games & Painting Competition

As we draw ever closer to the big weekend, we have a few updates regarding the specifics of the demo games on offer, as well[…]

Chaos Army

Hobby Focus – Paul’s Slaanesh Horde

In another customer edition of Thursday Hobby Focus, we see Paul show off what a hobbyist can acheive when all he has is a dream,[…]

Hobby Focus – Matt’s Warlord Titan

In a slight departure from our usual Hooby Focus of staff armies, this week brings you the unadulterated glory of £2500 of resin! Yep, that’s[…]

Uruk-hai Army

Hobby Focus: Brett’s Fighting Uruk Hai

With announcements for the new edition of MESBG, War of the Rohirrim and Hunt for Gollum on the horizon, and Rings of Power Season 2[…]

Phoenix and easel

Phoenix Fest Update – Painting Competition

Greetings, team! As we wend our way to the big weekend. we’ve got some specifics regarding the painting competition, for your enquiring minds!